Saturday, May 22, 2010

Skype Craze


Now, People who knows and chats with me in Skype might know me as CinnaMonster, Cinnamania, Lost Dreamer, Cinnamon, Barbie Gurl, Sin Incarnate, Cinnamon Rolls, Patrick, Epix Star, Emo with a hint of depression, If I had a name I'd tell you, etc XD
[You might notice my awesomely frequent change of names lol]

The first thing I want to point out is that Skype is totally AWESOME!!
[YM is SO gay -.-]
Oh how empty my life would be Skype didn't exist D8


It makes me ignore Facebook, YM, Quizilla, iMunchster, and my growing pile of pic requests -.-

And that reminds me of my lack of updates in my awesomely ignored bloggie =w=
I am extremely sorry to my faithful readers [If there is any o.o"]
And I shall update as often as I can..
Someone just has to remind me -.-

I am currently VERY busy
With my finals, reqs, Skype, and lots of other stuffies -_-
AND it's almost my awesome bithday! 8D
I oh so totally can't wait!
Lookin forward to being OLD-er

And yesterday, I was sooooooooooo depressed dammit.
I hope Rei isn't still mad at me TT 3 TT
I'm sowwy Rei.. I'm sowwy Drez..  -bows-
*insert Faith cwying and glomping them both*

Well that's it for this post.. I SHALL UPDATE MORE [I hope =w=]
Sorry if it's not that interesting  v_v"
Written @ 12:15 PM | back to top

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D.O.B: 24/05
Profile: Faith Olivia ~ ♥
Hobby:Reading, Writing, Being random, Singing, [Attempt to] Dance. xD
♥ Chit Chat ♥

♥ Jukebox ♥

♥ Friends ♥
Tinker Bell
Mad Hatter
♥ Cravings ♥
-Chocolate ~ ♥
-Kaito ~ ♥
-Marshmallows ~ ♥
-Cinnamon Buns ~ ♥
-Blood ~ ♥
--insert evil laugh here--
♥ Memories ♥
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010