Saturday, May 22, 2010

Skype Craze


Now, People who knows and chats with me in Skype might know me as CinnaMonster, Cinnamania, Lost Dreamer, Cinnamon, Barbie Gurl, Sin Incarnate, Cinnamon Rolls, Patrick, Epix Star, Emo with a hint of depression, If I had a name I'd tell you, etc XD
[You might notice my awesomely frequent change of names lol]

The first thing I want to point out is that Skype is totally AWESOME!!
[YM is SO gay -.-]
Oh how empty my life would be Skype didn't exist D8


It makes me ignore Facebook, YM, Quizilla, iMunchster, and my growing pile of pic requests -.-

And that reminds me of my lack of updates in my awesomely ignored bloggie =w=
I am extremely sorry to my faithful readers [If there is any o.o"]
And I shall update as often as I can..
Someone just has to remind me -.-

I am currently VERY busy
With my finals, reqs, Skype, and lots of other stuffies -_-
AND it's almost my awesome bithday! 8D
I oh so totally can't wait!
Lookin forward to being OLD-er

And yesterday, I was sooooooooooo depressed dammit.
I hope Rei isn't still mad at me TT 3 TT
I'm sowwy Rei.. I'm sowwy Drez..  -bows-
*insert Faith cwying and glomping them both*

Well that's it for this post.. I SHALL UPDATE MORE [I hope =w=]
Sorry if it's not that interesting  v_v"
Written @ 12:15 PM | back to top

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thankies ~~

First of all.. Me wanna thank Alice and Hansel.. Cuz they're just freakin' awesome!
*insert Faith shouting and screaming like a random fan girl*

Thanks so much for everything, Alice.. I had fun sharing with you last night. We all have some troubles in our lives and we'll fall down again and again. But you must have the strength to get back up again. And me -and Hansel of course- will always be there for you. And all your friends too.
Talk to me if something's wrong.. kay? ;D

And Hansel...
*insert Faith hugging Hansel really tight here*
I owe you. Thanks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!
You made me realize something important.. And you helped cheer me up. ^^
Not to mention this morning.. My grandma was screaming and she almost beat me up again.. I cried for hours.. But you made me smile again.. And I mean an ACTUAL smile.. So I'm really grateful for that.. Yay!!
me wuvs chuu ^^

"Put the pieces back together but you can still see the cracks" Faith said
"And friends will be the ones who fill the cracks" said Hansel
Written @ 8:45 PM | back to top

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Facebook is being a pain in the ass. TT3TT
I can't play FFS. Can't chat. Can't play Ameba Pico. Can't freaking comment or like or write on walls.
So here I am, stuck with nothing to do. Bored as hell. And I decided to update my blog.
I like Cinnamon buns. If you can't already tell by my user name XD. I also like Peter Pan. Don't forget my honey bunny JB! Woot! Yay for my awesome BG Music!
I feel like plotting someone's demise. So I'm thinking of who my lucky 'friend' [victim] should be.

Today's victim : Alice
I could sneak into her room and place a bunch of apples on her bed, which I have previously set a trap in [Woot! Go Faith]. I'll dress up the apples in smexy lingerie [Note : If some of you idiots don't know what it is, it's undies XD Wait.. Do people even make lingerie for apples? o.o] and I'll record my voice, I'll say "Rape me~~ You know you want to~~" and I'll burn the recording onto a CD. I'll put it in the stereo in her room and it will make it seem like the apples were seducing her[rofl My poor tummy is positively hurting now from all the laughing XD]. I'll put apple scented red and black candles [the same theme as Alice's cool blog. Yay for her blog! Woot!] all around her room and turn off all the lights.

When Alice finally returns from her play date[Raping him in the middle of the forest and then leave him stark naked for Gretel to find and scream in terror, or rape him as well, I think it'll be the latter] with Hansel, she'll be surprised and seduced by the smexy red apples. She cannot resist the urge to rape them right then and there. So she did. Or at least tried to. As soon as she got on the bed with the apples, my beautiful trap activates and the results were absolutely perfect.

Alice's hands and feet were tied to the bed post, leaving her defenseless. And then I came in the room, smirking. Alice was positively terrified [Or happy I couldn't tell XD]. And when I revealed my secret weapon, which I have hidden behind my back, her eyes widens and she began to struggle in her binds. An evil grin appears on my face as I slowly approach her. She struggles harder while I chuckle in amusement. "Alice Darling~~ I found that rope in Red's Basket and I've tested it out before.. Absolutely NOTHING can break loose from its binds." I said, still grinning. I came closer and closer, I can see the fear in her eyes. I sit on the bed beside her, and smirk. I twirled my weapon between my fingers. She begins to sweat.I put the weapon on the nape of her neck and dragged it back and forth as she squirms. I grin widely. It's time. I began tickling her furiously with my weapon, the feather. Alice laughs furiously until her lungs can't take it anymore and explodes. The End. [lmao Amazing ending right? XD]

lol That was fun. Nice time killer hahahh. XD

So what did you think the weapon was?
And what did you think I was going to do?

Tell me in the ChatBox. [Until I can figure out how to enable the comment feature. =.=]

Have a sweet, ticklish, day ~~

Written @ 11:08 AM | back to top

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's Day

What a lovely day to pull pranks

April Fool's day
The glorious day in which we, the 'sophisticated' people, mark by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.
[Note : I copy-pasted from Wiki, the source of all knowledge on the net xD]

To put it very simply, cause I don't get the complicated english myself lmao, Today is the day for all us pranksters [People who are childish, or who I prefer to call, the youthful people. Damn. I just sounded like Rock Lee -.-] to pull pranks and make a fool outta people! Woot! xD

So here I am, sitting in front of the computer, typing away in peace, waiting for my dear lil bro to come home from school. My dear dear, unsuspecting, lil bro. *insert evil laugh here*

[Note : I am not chilidish, I am merely a youthful person. Ugh! I have got to stop watching Naruto. xD]
Written @ 11:18 AM | back to top

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Randomly Random

lol I have no idea what to post in here so I'm just gonna tell you random things on my mind.
My friends are total weirdos. [Note : Just like me] Valerie can be VERY annoying. My cousin is so gay. My head hurts. Haven't found my Peter [-anime cries-]. Feel like laughing for no reason. My friend is a total perv. My new nails are awesome. Michelle is a f***ing pain. My friend Christy loves this dude named Jonathan. Jonathan seems to like breaking Christy's heart. Then Christy comes crying to me. Let's talk Math.
Christy + Jonathan = Crying
Christy + Crying = Headache
Get the picture?
And oh, Just for the record, Jonathan seems to like me. Great.
Anyway, back to random facts.
Here are a few people I'd like to rape :
Peter Pan [Peteeeeeeeeeeeeeeer~~ Where are you~~?? xD]
Justin Bieber [He's a hunk muffin lmao]
Sasuke Uchiha [Unfortunately, he's gay -.-]
Hansel [rofl It's be sooooooo funny xD]
Mad Hatter [Alice won't let me =3=]
Alice [After a bit of thought, Maybe no lol]
Wolfy [Only cuz me luvs wolves xD]
Aladdin [I'm having second thoughts, and he's not here yet =3=]
Tinker Bell [She'd kill me first]
Gretel [She'll scream Hansel while I'm raping her lol]
That's it for now lmao. My 'To-Do List" is very long rofl. xD

Feeling sick~~
Gonna go now~~
Written @ 9:59 PM | back to top

♥ Thanks for Visiting ♥

D.O.B: 24/05
Profile: Faith Olivia ~ ♥
Hobby:Reading, Writing, Being random, Singing, [Attempt to] Dance. xD
♥ Chit Chat ♥

♥ Jukebox ♥

♥ Friends ♥
Tinker Bell
Mad Hatter
♥ Cravings ♥
-Chocolate ~ ♥
-Kaito ~ ♥
-Marshmallows ~ ♥
-Cinnamon Buns ~ ♥
-Blood ~ ♥
--insert evil laugh here--
♥ Memories ♥
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010